About Our Team
Team VCONNECT is a combination of passionate & committed travel individuals each having excellence in their own domains like Australia, Africa, Middle East & Far East, US, UK, Europe, and The Islands. People leading various teams have more than 5 years of industry experience and are responsible for guiding the teams. The team is ready to help every customer for their travel service needs with utmost dedication. The leadership at VCONNECT highly believes in people more than any thing else and considers every individual as a great asset to the company.

Bhushan is from Business & Finance Background. He heads VCONNECT Travel & Holidays which is into International Holidays. He provides the Business and Financial acumen to VCONNECT apart from heading the International Team.

Rajnikant has 14 years of Software experience and has spent 12 years in HSBC Bank. His passion for creating an organized holiday company lead to creation of VCONNECT Travel & Holidays. He is 5 years into Holiday venture and manages the VCONNECT Operations along with HR and Admin responsibilities.